Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

Joanne, Anne and I went out this morning and scattered Dad's ashes along a beautiful, remote section of the Upper Deschutes River.   The temperature was in the mid 20's, but the air was still and the sunshine brilliant.   There was a few inches of fresh snow along the ground and a thin layer of ice along the edge of the river.  Deer and rabbit tracks were evident along the water.   There were splendid reflections of the lava rock formations and old growth ponderosa pine trees in the still river.   Birds were calling softly from the forest.   All in all, an idyllic spot; I think Dad would have approved !   I took a few photos to share this memorable Christmas morning.


  1. Amazing. Another beautiful day in eastern Oregon. Exactly as Frank would have liked it. At one with nature.

  2. Daddy,
    This spot is so beautiful, grandpa would of loved it! Merry merry christmas.
    Val and Steph

  3. Grandma Jo, Mom, and Uncle Todd,

    I am praying for you all constantly. I love you so much. I am glad that Grandpa Frank was able to spend his last moments with you. Miss you like crazy.


  4. I miss you all very much and I hope that you still had a joyful Christmas. I having been praying for all of you and sending happy thoughts. Everything seems so tough right now, but I know in my heart that everything will be ok. Grandpa Frank is in a better place right now and I am positive that he is smiling down to us at this very moment. Let's not be sad that he is not with us right now, but instead we should celebrate the wonderful life that he lived. He was such a selfless and constantly joyful person and I am sure that he wants us all to have light hearts. I love you all very much.


  5. A beautiful spot. We all loved Frank so much.

  6. Dear Aunt Jo, Anne and Todd. As I read your passage, I recall the very similar experience I had when we spead my Dad's ashes at Goose Island, also in the water. I wish I had words to help ease your pain, but, failing that, all I can really do is to help share with you a glimpse into what Uncle Frank was to me. I have very fond memories of Frank that I will always cherish..... The many dinners and afternoon swimming get-togethers at your house, the camping outings at both Goose Island and Platoro, and certainly the week we spent with him and Jo in Bend after my Dad's passing. I can still picture and hear his laugh as I write this. Frank was one of the kindest men I have ever met in my life, and served as a solid rock to me, especially during my early formulative years. Though I can never know specifically what has led to my shaping as a person, I feel very certain that he played a significant part of the mold for me, and in the most positive of ways. I feel confident that part of his spirit has been passed on to me. All my best to you during this difficult time. You are in my prayers. Love, Jeff.

  7. Brigitta Cleland-HuraDecember 28, 2009 at 1:39 PM

    Oh, what a touching and lovely place! Thank you for sharing a bit of the sense of this profound experience with the rest of us. I have such fond memories of walking along this river with Frank, revelling in its beauty and in the joy of all of its inhabitants.

    Our thoughts are with you and you are constantly in our hearts. Love, Brigitta, DJ, Annika, Aiden, and Kaelyn
