Thursday, December 24, 2009

Shannon's Tribute

Here's a tribute that Shannon prepared for Grandpa Frank.   It was among the last things read to him before he died.

The Top 10 Things I Learned From
Grandpa Frank

1. Value education.
2. Work hard for what you want.
3. Birds are fascinating friends.
4. Spend and save wisely.
5. Find humor in every situation.
6. Quay is indeed a word.
7. Explore outdoors.
8. Quality family time is a priority.
9. Marry you best friend.
10. Love with everything you have.

Thank you for everything you have taught and done for me. I love you so much.

With love,
December 2009


  1. Item #6 is a Scrabble reference. Dad was a pretty tough Scrabble player, not to mention his ability at Hearts !

  2. Brigitta Cleland-HuraDecember 28, 2009 at 1:44 PM

    Shannon, this is terrific! I've shared all of these lessons with my children as well (after taking on some pointers myself). Thank you for sharing the wisdom your grandfather brought to your life. We all miss him dearly.
